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Attorney General promises Accountability for Ahmed Suale’s Killers

The Attorney General and Minister for Justice, Godfred Yeboah Dame, has reassured the nation that those responsible for the murder of investigative journalist Ahmed Suale will be brought to justice.

Speaking before Parliament and addressing inquiries from members, the Attorney General affirmed that every effort is being made to apprehend and prosecute the perpetrators.

“In response to ongoing investigations, a second investigation docket was received by my office in 2023,” stated Mr. Godfred Yeboah Dame.
“The investigations are ongoing, with the identities of the perpetrators still outstanding, and no identifiable suspects have been found yet.”

He elaborated on the extensive investigations into the Ahmed Suale case, including collaboration with the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) beyond Ghana’s borders.

Additionally, forensic examinations of devices used by the deceased were conducted, both by the United States Government and the Department of Geomatic

Engineering at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi.

The Attorney General also provided updates on other high-profile murder cases, stressing on commitment to resolve them. He made reference to the case of

Tupac Shakur’s murder, where justice was served many years later.

Regarding speculations about the motive behind Suale’s murder, Mr. Dame urged the public to refrain from assumptions, stating that motives can only be established through thorough investigations.

He cautioned against prejudicing ongoing investigations and undermining police integrity with speculations.

  • February 22, 2024
  •   in News


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