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Global Tourism Resilience Day

The world is commemorating Global Tourism Resilience Day, today 17th February.
The United Nations voted to create the day at the General Assembly in resolution A/RES/77/269.

This year being the second year of celebration it is christened “Resilient Tourism: Building Back Better,” and stresses on the need to fortify the tourism industry against future challenges and advancing sustainability goals.

In the aftermath of COVID-19, Global Tourism Resilience Day 2024 holds particular significance. The tourism sector, vulnerable to emergencies, faces unprecedented challenges.

However, amidst adversity, the day advocates for resilience-building strategies crucial for sustainability.

This event aims to raise awareness, promote collaboration, and showcase best practices in resilience-building, through virtual conferences, workshops, and campaigns, stakeholders exchange insights and forge partnerships.

The focus is on policy support, community empowerment, and inclusive growth, laying the groundwork for a sustainable future.

Global Tourism Resilience Day 2024 highlights Vulnerabilities, Promoting Resilience Strategies, Fostering Sustainability, Economic Recovery, International Collaboration, Empowering Communities and Long-Term Planning.

As the world observes Global Tourism Resilience Day 2024, the call to action resonates to fortify the tourism industry, and build back better.


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