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Mahama Urges Bold Policies to Tackle Ghana’s Economic Challenges

When Former President John Mahama delivered a keynote address at the NDC LAB Policy Dialogue at Peduase Valley Resort in Aburi, he stressed on the NDC’s commitment to implementing transformative policies. It was a gathering of policymakers, experts, and concerned citizens to discuss critical issues facing the nation.

Mr Mahama was emphatic about the urgency needed to tackle Ghana’s current economic situation, citing alarming statistics on unemployment and deteriorating living conditions. He criticized the Akufo-Addo/Bawumia administration for worsening the country’s economic situation through mismanagement and ineptitude.
“The Ghana Statistical Service (GSS) reported this week that unemployment continues to rise, currently standing at a staggering 14.7%. Nearly 1.4 million young people aged 15 to 35 were unemployed in the first three quarters of 2023 alone. This is undeniably a distressing situation.”

Regarding corruption, Mr Mahama strongly condemned the high levels of governmental corruption and the blatant misappropriation of national resources. His remarks point at the urgent need for transparency, accountability, and ethical governance in Ghana.
“Compounding our miserable circumstances as Ghanaians are astonishing levels of governmental corruption and plain thievery of our resources, severely weakened and heavily politicised governance institutions serving the NPP rather than the national interest, and, more importantly, the insufferable arrogance of power.
“This is not the Ghana we subscribed to. Without a doubt, this current iteration of our country requires urgent rebuilding anchored on our collective aspirations with workable, progressive, and sustainable policies,” he said.

In response to these challenges, Mr Mahama outlined a comprehensive strategy for economic recovery and governance reform. He emphasized the importance of a resilient governance structure supported by ICT adoption and innovation, which would drive job creation and economic growth.

Key initiatives unveiled include the “Digital Jobs Initiative,” which aims to create 300,000 skilled employment opportunities for young people. Additionally, plans were announced to establish a FinTech Growth Fund to support indigenous companies in the digital economy and launch a “Coding for Employment Programme” to train one million coders.

Mr Mahama also emphasized the NDC’s dedication to addressing infrastructure deficiencies by finishing abandoned and incomplete government projects. He reassured the nation of the party’s preparedness to govern, highlighting current initiatives to gather data on infrastructure projects and create implementation strategies for policy suggestions.

In addition, Mr Mahama reiterated the NDC’s commitment to constructing a Ghana that reflects the desires of its people. He expressed confidence in the party’s capacity to fulfill its commitments and protect the integrity of the electoral process in the forthcoming elections.

  • February 24, 2024
  •   in News


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