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Nato chief says Donald Trump comments ‘undermine all of our security’

Donald Trump’s suggestion the US would not protect Nato allies failing to spend enough on defence “undermines all of our security”, the Western military alliance’s chief has said.

Jens Stoltenberg also suggested it put US and European troops at greater risk.

The Republican said he had told allies he would “encourage” Russia to attack any Nato member that failed to meet the alliance’s target of 2% of their GDP.

Members of Nato commit to defend any nation in the bloc that gets attacked.

President Joe Biden called Mr Trump’s comments “appalling and dangerous”, suggesting his predecessor intended to give Russian President Vladimir Putin “a green light for more war and violence”.

Addressing crowds during a rally in South Carolina on Saturday, Mr Trump said he had made his comments about Russia during a previous meeting of leaders of Nato countries.

The former president recalled that the leader of a “big country” had presented a hypothetical situation in which he was not meeting his financial obligations within Nato and had come under attack from Moscow.

He said the leader had asked if the US would come to his country’s aid in that scenario, which prompted him to issue a rebuke.

“I said: ‘You didn’t pay? You’re delinquent?’… ‘No I would not protect you, in fact I would encourage them to do whatever they want. You gotta pay.'”

In a statement on Sunday, Mr Stoltenberg emphasised the alliance remains “ready and able” to defend its members and any attack “will be met with a united and forceful response”.

But he said any suggestion that “allies will not defend each other undermines all of our security”, and suggested Mr Trump’s remarks “put American and European soldiers at increased risk”.

“I expect that regardless of who wins the presidential election the US will remain a strong and committed Nato ally,” he added.

Source BBC News.


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