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Political monetization: It is reprehensible, objectionable and abominable; Let’s eschew it – Sheikh Aremeyaw Shaibu

The Spokesperson for the National Chief Imam, Sheikh Aremeyaw Shaibu has called for a halt to monetization of politics in Ghana’s political landscape.
He says monetisation undermines the integrity of elections and poses a threat to Ghana’s democracy. According to him, the act of political parties and candidates distributing money to voters in order to influence their voting ties during elections has risen to a high level over the years.
Speaking to RGG News’ Teye Kitcher on Insight, Sheikh Shaibu said monetization is one of the nation’s pressing problems, necessitating targeted solutions and a regulatory framework to possibly penalise any politician who falls foul. He says the public must be educated on the negative impact of money in politics and its dent on the country’s electoral process.
“It is a manipulation of the election process and does not give integrity to the process”, he said.
He added that the act incentivises corruption among politicians and creates an impression that democracy can be bought in the country, a situation he describes as unfair.
“Monetization gives incentive for the politician to continually be corrupt and to justify why he must be corrupt”, he underscored.
Sheikh Shaibu therefore called on the public not to accept money from political candidates and parties as this will strengthen the practice of the country’s democracy.
He cautioned young politicians not to contaminate themselves with political monetization but rather focus to become public servant oriented leaders to give Ghana good political leadership.


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