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South Africa’s Ramaphosa vows ‘new era’ at inauguration

South Africa has begun a “new era”, President Cyril Ramaphosa announced as he was sworn in for a second full term in office. He remains in office even though his party, the African National Congress (ANC), failed to secure a majority in parliament during last month’s election.

The ANC subsequently made a deal with its long-time rival Democratic Alliance (DA) and other parties to form a coalition government.

Mr Ramaphosa hailed this government during his inauguration speech, but also warned that unless it addressed deep inequalities, the country could become unstable. “Through the ballots that they have cast, the people of South Africa have made plain their expectation that the leaders of our country should work together,” President Ramaphosa, 71, said solemnly.

“They have directed their representatives to put aside animosity and dissent, to abandon narrow interests, and to pursue together only that which benefits the nation.”

Graca Machel (right), widow of former President Nelson Mandela, and her daughter Josina Machel were in attendance

South African dignitaries and African heads of states were invited to the inauguration. They included the leaders of Nigeria, Angola, Zimbabwe, Congo-Brazzaville, and Eswatini, and gathered in the Nelson Mandela Amphitheatre outside the Union Building in Pretoria.

A huge crowd of supporters formed outside the official seat of government, waving national flags. Under a sharp blue winter sky, the Chief Justice Raymond Zondo, administered the oath of office.

“I swear I will be faithful to the Republic of South Africa… I will obey, observe and uphold the constitution and all other laws of the republic,” the president said.

A band then played the national anthem. The rendition was followed by a 21-gun salute and a fly-past by army helicopters.

Mr Ramaphosa told South Africans the coalition was committed to reversing inequalities and growing the economy. He also warned that the country was riven with deep divisions between the haves and have-nots.

Despite progress, “our society remains deeply unequal and highly polarized,” he said. “There are toxic cleavages and an incipient social fragmentation that can easily turn into instability.” And he warned against “those who seek to stand in our way, to inflame tensions” and “undermine our institutions.” They will not succeed because South Africans are resolute, he said.

Mr Ramaphosa did not say to whom he was referring. But the uMkhonto weSizwe (MK) party formed six months ago by former President Jacob Zuma didn’t attend what it called the “farcical” inauguration.

The party, which won 15% of votes and obtained 58 parliamentary seats, also boycotted parliament’s first sitting last Friday.

A crowd gathered outside Union Buildings to support the president

Source BBC


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