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World Water Day 2024: Leveraging Water for Peace

Water scarcity is a worldwide crisis. A combination of factors resulting from rapid population growth and urbanisation have brought on this serious problem. Today as the world marks World Water Day as it does annually on 22nd March, it raises awareness globally about the importance of freshwater resources and advocates for sustainable water management practices.

Originating from the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in 1992, World Water Day was established by the United Nations General Assembly to highlight the growing significance of water-related issues on a global scale.

At its core, World Water Day is a call to action to address the global water crisis. It emphasizes the need to support the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 6, which aims to ensure access to water and sanitation for all by 2030.

This year, the theme for World Water Day 2024 is “Leveraging Water for Peace.” The focus on leveraging water as a tool for promoting peace underscores the interconnectedness of water issues with broader social, economic, and political challenges.

UN-Water, the UN’s coordination mechanism on water and sanitation, plays a crucial role in setting the theme for World Water Day each year.

As the world commemorates World Water Day 2024, it is an opportunity to reaffirm our commitment to leveraging water as a catalyst for peacebuilding and sustainable development.
By addressing water-related issues comprehensively, we can move closer to achieving a more equitable and peaceful world for all.


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