category results for keyword: "international" found in 232 posts.
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Most Israelis want Hamas crushed de...

Israeli citizens said on Wednesday the army should not back off its unrelenting offensive to crush H...

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The End of Fossil Fuels – COP28

In a demonstration of global cooperation, negotiators from almost 200 countries primarily recognized...

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UK’s Sunak wins parliament vote on...

Sunak faces down Conservative Party rebels by winning a knife-edge vote on his latest plans to send...

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Turkey’s Erdogan visits Greece to f...

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is in Greece in an effort to mend strained relations between...

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From north to south, nowhere safe i...

One of the highest daily death tolls since the war began as Israeli army targets the Jabalia refugee...

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Netanyahu’s corruption trial resume...

While the focus remains on Israeli attacks on Gaza and the raids in the occupied West Bank, the tria...