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182 New Lawyers Called To The Bar

The Chief Justice, has sworn in 182 fresh lawyers onto the GBA roll. Justice Torkonoo focused her message on three themes – the lawyer and the law, the lawyer and his society and the lawyer and his profession. Justice Torkornoo, advised them, to let their actions reflect not merely their ambitions, but serve as a testament to the sacrifices of those who paved the way for the progress of the legal profession.

The 74 women and 108 men are now licensed to practice law. Performing the official enrollment and call to the Bar of Ghana, after two years of professional legal training at the Ghana School of Law, the Chief Justice, Justice Gertrude Torkornoo, told the fresh lawyers that the practice of the law is not a space for mediocre exhibition of purported superiority of knowledge, but a space for consistently humble, sober, and reflective models of thinking that will allow you to serve those that depend on them with clarity and benefit.
Justice Torkornoo also said the contributions of legal professionals, should help build up society, not tear it apart. She urged them, to utilize their knowledge and skills positively to advance the development of society even as they represent the interests of their client as a legal professional.
The CJ said the survival of democracy, rule of law, environment and the nation’s economy must be worth more than any monetary reward one may stand to gain. Also called to the Bar, was Former GJA president and vice president of Aglow Ghana, Gifty Affenyi-Dadzie, a Queenmother from the Anlo traditional area, Mama Dzidosasi 1, a customs officer Daniel Adjei who is also a gospel musician and social media influencer Elorm Ababio, popularly known as Ama Governor. The event, is organized by the General Legal Council every year, after prospective student lawyers, pass their bar exam at the end of 2 years of professional legal training.


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