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Absence of History in Ghana’s Education System Threatening Cultural Identity

Legal practitioner and historian, Lawyer Yaw Anokye Frimpong, says the absence of history as a subject in Ghana’s educational system is gradually eroding the country’s historical consciousness.

He is emphatic that this has facilitated the infiltration of Western cultures, thereby shaping the lifestyle of Ghanaians.

In an interview with RGG News’ Teye Kitcher on Insight, Lawyer Anokye says the current educational system fails to give the younger generation adequate education about the past.

“When we were in school, Fridays were used to teach history, culture, arts, crafts music and dance but all has been defaced at a time when you go to the United States, children in primary schools are supposed to learn and inculcate the history of that country. For whatever reason we have scrapped it”, he said.

Lawyer Anokye is thus advocating for a paradigm shift to address the apparent neglect of Ghana’s culture and history.

He believes schools should promote African attire on Fridays and use the day to teach in local languages.
“On Fridays we should let the school children put on African wear and also we should teach in the local languages. So if it is a school in Ho, ewe should be used, if it is in Western, the nzema or fante language should be used”, he said.

He further added that this will enhance the country’s historical consciousness leading to the preservation of Ghana’s history.


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