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Ghana Bar Association is not an appendage of any political party – Boafo

President of the Ghana Bar Association (GBA), Yaw Acheampong Boafo, has said that his administration is not an extension of any political party. The Association has been receiving flak from persons, mainly from the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) who believe that the GBA is doing the bidding of the governing party. For instance, the Director of Legal Affairs for the NDC, Godwin Edudzi Tameklo recently said the GBA was only interested in attacking former President John Dramani Mahama. He said the GBA has neglected its previous ways of enriching quality justice delivery in the country. Speaking in an interview with journalists on Tuesday, September 5, Mr Edudzi Tameklo said “What the bar is interested in is not this kind of conversation, the one that enriches quality justice delivery but the partisan posturing and attacking H.E John Mahama. In the past, the bar itself sometimes suggested names for promotion.” “They will say this judge has done so and so and these are the quality of his judgments and so we as a bar suggest ABCD names for possible consideration but now what do we see?” But President of the GBA, Yaw Acheampong Boafo said when the association presented its results from the annual bar conference, in Accra on Wednesday, October 18 that “let me also state unequivocally that the GBA, under my administration, is not an appendage of any political party.” He further called on members of the GBA who belong to political parties to desist from making utterances that tend to denigrate the judicial service. “Our colleagues who are members of political parties must understand that their primary fidelity is to the legal profession, and it is worrisome when members of the GBA join the chorus of the partisan populace to denigrate the image of the legal profession and the judiciary. “We should not allow politics to divide us, and we should not subject ourselves to the dictates and wishes of politicians and sacrifice the nobility of our profession.” Source: 3news


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