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Accra Faces Heightened Congestion by 2030 Due to Population Surge -GSS

Accra, Ghana’s bustling capital, is on the brink of a significant challenge. The projection is that, it is to experience heightened congestion by 2030. This comes from recent data released by the Ghana Statistical Service (GSS), highlighting substantial population growth in the Greater Accra region.

The GSS’s latest population projections, covering the period from 2021 to 2050, reveal a notable increase in the population across the Greater Accra region. As of 2024, Ghana’s total population is projected to exceed 33 million, up from 30.8 million in 2021. This rapid growth is expected to place additional strain on Accra’s infrastructure and resources.

Particularly concerning is the expected rise in the number of school-aged children in the Greater Accra Region, projected to reach 2.96 million by 2030.

Additionally, the youth population, aged 15 to 24 years, is set to almost double in size, posing further challenges for educational and employment sectors.

Deputy Government Statistician Dr. Faustina Frempong, who presented the data, emphasized the urgent need for government intervention.

“The exponential population growth in the Greater Accra region, covering smaller land spaces, necessitates strategic planning and intervention,” she cautioned.

Dr. Frempong’s remarks underscore the critical need for policies that address urban planning, infrastructure development, and resource allocation to manage the impending population boom.

The primary objective of the population projection is to provide valuable insights into the future demographic landscape. These insights are crucial for informing policymakers, researchers, and the public about potential changes and challenges. According to the GSS, understanding these projections is essential for tracking the implementation of national, continental, and global development goals.

As Accra braces for this population surge, the importance of proactive measures is even more pressing. The government, along with various stakeholders, must collaborate to ensure that the city’s infrastructure, services, and resources can accommodate the growing population. Failure to do so could exacerbate congestion and strain the city’s capabilities, impacting the quality of life for its residents.

The data from the GSS serves as a clarion call for action, urging all sectors of society to prepare for the future. With strategic planning and concerted efforts, Accra can navigate the challenges of population growth and continue to thrive as a vibrant capital city.


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