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Accra’s Flooding Crisis: No Quick Fix, Says Housing Minister

Accra’s perennial flooding has long been a source of distress for its residents, and according to Kojo Oppong Nkrumah, the Works and Housing Minister, resolving this issue is far from a quick fix.

In an interview monitored by RGG News, Kojo Oppong Nkrumah emphasized that addressing the flooding problem will require a medium to long-term strategy involving a collective effort from both the government and citizens.

“For example, government has to do its bit. I’ve just told you about the hydro authority, hydro fund, and the fact that we need to mobilise more resources.

“We can wish it into being, but if we don’t mobilise the resources, we’ll talk about it umpteen times and never get responses.”

“When the rains start here in Accra, you get palpitations because you start worrying, knowing very well that due to the inadequacy of the work done so far compared to the increasing pressure, there will be challenges,” he shared.

According to him, when it rains heavily, he monitors the situation closely to assess the severity and effectiveness of the existing infrastructure.

“It is a challenge. As I’ve said on a number of occasions, we are behind schedule on putting in place the kind of infrastructure that is required. So within the constraints, we’re trying to do our best,” he explained.

He however stressed that the government’s efforts alone would not suffice. He called for a collective responsibility among citizens, particularly those living in flood-prone areas, to avoid exacerbating the problem.

“Even for places where limited drains have been constructed, there is evidence to show that we choke them with solid waste based on our lifestyle daily,” he noted.

To combat this, the Ministry is launching a communication campaign to encourage better waste management practices.

“While we are building the drains, don’t choke them. Don’t choke the little drains that we have built with solid waste. We need some behavioural change as well,” Kojo Oppong Nkrumah urged. “So what I say to everybody is that we have a collective responsibility. It will take a while; let’s all get together and get this done.”

As Accra grapples with its flooding challenges, the message from the Housing Minister is clear: there is no quick solution. It will take time, resources, and a concerted effort from all stakeholders to protect the city from the ravages of seasonal floods.


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