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Alan Campaign

The leader of the Movement for Change, Mr.  Alan Kyerematen, says he will make Tema a free port enclave if he wins the December 7, 2024 election.

He says creation of the free port area would help increase economic activities in Ghana by encouraging land-locked countries in West Africa to use the Tema port as their point of transit.

Mr. Kyerematen made the promise while on a campaign tour of some markets in the Greater Accra Region.

He interacted with the traders, suppliers, and buyers. The tour took him to the Tema Community one market, Ashaiman and Madina Markets.

Mr. Alan Kyerematen said the trading community constitutes approximately 80% of Ghana’s population and the sector will contribute significantly to the overall economic growth.

Mr. Kyerematen said his presidency will ensure that the Tema port becomes a free port to increase economic activities and help propel the needed development in the country

  • February 28, 2024
  •   in News


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