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Ambulance Case: NPP Demands Complete Footage, Claims Leaked Tape in Attorney General Scandal is Doctored

The New Patriotic Party says the leaked tape at the heart of the Attorney General’s controversies has been doctored. The ruling party claims the NDC released only 16 minutes of a 26-minute recording to manipulate the issue in their favour.

Additionally, the party noted that the recording contained clear overlaps, distortions, and repetitions, supporting their claim of tampering.

This follows the release of a leaked tape by the NDC, which allegedly purports that Attorney General Godfred Yeboah Dame engaged in judicial misconduct regarding the Ambulance procurement scandal case.

The Attorney General is allegedly heard coaching the third accused in the case, Richard Jakpa, on how to implicate the Minority Leader and first accused, Dr Cassiel Ato Forson.

The NDC had called for the immediate removal, disbarment and prosecution of Godfred Dame. But the NPP says the basis of the NDC’s argument, the leaked tape, has been doctored to serve the parochial interests of the opposition party.

The NPP in a press conference, said screenshots of the leaked tape displayed by the NDC show the conversation between Godfred Yeboah-Dame and Richard Jakpa being 26 minutes long; however, the NDC has only released 16 minutes of that to serve their own purpose.

The NPP also stated that the released 16 minutes appear to be edited to suit the NDC’s narrative.

Frank Davies, the Chairman of the NPP’s Legal Committee, said on Tuesday, May 28, 2024, that the released audio clearly has repetitions and overlaps and sounds distorted at some point. He has challenged the NDC to release the full unedited tape.

The NPP further asserted that the Attorney General had not misconducted himself throughout the case.

According to Frank Davies, even in the “doctored” tape, Godfred Dame is not heard categorically asking the witness to bear false witness, fabricate evidence, or testify in the prosecutor’s favour.

He stressed that the Attorney General, at all times, has conducted himself with utmost integrity and credibility hence, the accusations being levelled against him are incredulous and should be disregarded.

The party said the Attorney General was merely engaged in a plea bargaining meeting with the third accused; hence, any suggestion otherwise is false and should be disregarded.


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