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Asantehene Urged to Champion Affirmative Action Bill

Ghana’s Affirmative Action bill seeks increase women’s participation in decision-making and proposes that at least 40% of public offices be reserved for women. However since its introduction in 2011, the bill, has faced hurdles.

Following its first reading and referral to the Gender and Children Committee for consideration, Chief of Staff Frema Opare has appealed to the Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II to lend his support to champion the bill’s passage.

In response to this call, Nana Yaa Jantuah, former General Secretary of the Convention People’s Party (CPP), acknowledged the significance of Asantehene’s involvement in advocating for gender equality.

She emphasizes the importance of all stakeholders, including influential figures like the Chief Justice, Justice Gertrude Torkornoo, in facilitating the bill’s progress.

Nana Yaa Jantuah was emphatic about the strength and determination of women in Ghana, urging them to recognize their capabilities in shaping policy and advocating for their rights.

However, she noted the paradox of relying on male intervention in a matter concerning women’s empowerment, highlighting the need for women in positions of power to take proactive roles in advancing gender equality initiatives.

As discussions surrounding the Affirmative Action bill continue, stakeholders across various sectors are urged to collaborate and support efforts to address gender disparities in political representation.

With concerted action and advocacy from both men and women, Ghana can move closer towards achieving greater gender equality in its governance structures.


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