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Blinken Calls on Congo and Rwandan to de-escalate border tensions

The Secretary of State of the United States of America (USA), Antony J. Blinken is in talks with President Félix Tshisekedi of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and President Paul Kagame of Rwandan about the need to diffuse the growing tension and worsening humanitarian crisis along the border between Rwanda and the DRC.

In a statement issued by US Department of State, it disclosed that Secretary Blinken has held separate meetings with both presidents to discuss the volatile situation in the region.

He advocated for a diplomatic solution to the tensions between the two countries and urged each side to take measures to de-escalate the situation, including removing troops from the border.

There are currently ongoing tensions between the DRC and its smaller neighbour over an offensive in the eastern Congolese province of North Kivu.

In January this year, Rwanda accused a Congolese fighter jet of violating its airspace near Goma, a town on North Kivu’s border.

The plane came under fire but was able to land safely in Goma.

Kinshasa described the attack on its aircraft as “a deliberate act of aggression that equals an act of war” with the goal of sabotaging regional peace efforts.


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