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Cabinet Reshuffle: Health Minister’s Future Decided

It’s been a long time coming and the expected reshuffling of cabinet ministers in the Akufo-Addo’s government is gaining momentum. As the president prepares to make changes, there is a sense of anticipation on the corridors of power.
All attention is focused on Mr Kwaku Agyeman-Manu, one of the longest-serving Health Ministers in the Fourth Republic. His tenure has been marked by both commendable efforts and glaring controversies. Now, as the change in line-up approaches, the nation is grappling with a crucial question: should he be retained or let go?
The Argument for Reshuffling
Mr Agyeman-Manu’s handling of the Sputnik V vaccine procurement has raised concerns. Allegations of breaching procurement laws and overpaying for vaccines have left Ghanaians questioning his competence.
According to a report by a nine-member ad-hoc parliamentary committee tasked with investigating the failed deal, the Minister for Health violated procurement processes and constitutional requirements regarding the contract. It was revealed that Ghana paid over US$2.8 million to Sheikh Ahmed Dalmook Al Maktoum for the procurement of the Sputnik V vaccine.
Following the release of the report, a section of the public called for the Minister’s removal. Dr Thomas Anaba, the Executive Director of the African Center for Health Policy Research and Analysis, called  for his immediate dismissal in an interview with Citi News.
He stated, “In Malawi, ministers have been sent to prison. In South Africa, ministers have been sacked because of COVID. How can we tolerate such a blatant disregard for constitutional norms and procurement laws by someone who is supposed to be more knowledgeable than all of us in procurement?”
Kofi Bentil, the Vice President of IMANI Africa, also articulated his desire for the Minister to be fired and prosecuted, during an appearance on Joy FM’s Super Morning Show.
He said “I have done Policy Analysis for 20 years, and I don’t remember coming across such an abrasive act of malfeasance, and I do not know how that is possible.”
The then Minority Leader, Haruna Iddrisu, asserted that the minority caucus would not back down in their efforts to remove the Health Minister from his position. He stated, “We will not abandon this matter. If the President does not revoke the appointment of the Minister for Health, we will request a vote of no confidence to address this issue.”
Veteran journalist and editor-in-chief of the New Crusading Guide newspaper, Kwaku Baako Jnr, believes the minister should resign. He stated, “If he chooses to resign, I would support and endorse his decision. If he were to do the honourable thing and step down, I would vote for him. This situation cannot be defended.”
However, the drama did not end there. As demands for the Health Minister’s resignation grew, the President, Nana Akufo-Addo finally broke his silence on the matter. Many anticipated only one reaction from the President: dismissal. While on a two-day tour of the Bono Region on August 10th, 2021, which is the minister’s home region, President Akufo-Addo made a surprising statement. He said, “There are a lot of people from the Bono Region in my government; including the minister for health, who is currently receiving slaps [from Ghanaians]. He is an indigene of Dormaa. He has really suffered in that Health Ministry and is still suffering,” he said amidst laughter.
Despite the passage of more than two years, the health minister remains in his position. Those who advocate for his retention rely on his extensive experience and expertise demonstrated during the COVID-19 pandemic. Mr Agyeman-Manu’s extensive political career includes serving as Deputy Minister for Trade and Industry, Interior, Finance, Roads and Transport, and Communication under former President Kufuor. His familiarity with government machinery and institutions is widely regarded as an asset.
Furthermore, his role as the Board Chairman for the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) highlights his influence on global health matters.
 *Verdict of RGGNews Political Desk*
According to reliable sources within the Jubilee House, the tenure of Mr Kwaku Agyemang Manu, as Health Minister, is drawing to a close. Ghanaians are advocating for a new leader who will prioritize the highest standards of ethics and transparency in the health sector.

  • February 12, 2024
  •   in News


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