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Call for Effective Leadership: Ghana’s Dumsor Crisis Demands Urgent Action

In recent times, Ghana has been experiencing frequent power cuts, which has been christened “dumsor.” This has prompted widespread calls for a structured timetable to manage these disruptions.

Despite directives from the Public Utilities Regulatory Commission (PURC) to the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) to provide such a timetable, there has been little progress.

The frequent power outages, are not only disrupting households but also significantly impacting businesses across various sectors. Industries reliant on consistent electricity supply, such as manufacturing, hospitality and healthcare, are facing operational challenges and financial losses due to interrupted production processes, disrupted services, and potential damage to equipment.

As such, there is a growing sense of urgency among the populace for the government and relevant authorities to resolve the sporadic power cuts.

The Executive Director of the Institute for Energy Security (IES), Nana Amoasi VII, has highlighted the lack of effective leadership in Ghana’s energy sector.

He has called for the appointment of a new leader to address the ongoing challenges plaguing the sector.

In an interview with RGG News, Nana Amoasi VII stressed that a new leader with a clear vision and effective management skills is essential to restore stability to Ghana’s energy supply.

“Today the power sector or the energy sector appears shepherdless. You don’t see a leader who is standing up to the issues, accepting them as they are and seeking to address them while calling for cooperation from Ghanaians.”

“We have been asking for a timetable for quite a long time. The PURC intervened as an arbiter between the utilities and consumers and asked ECG to provide one, unfortunately the Minister for Energy [tells] all of us including the PURC to produce a timetable if we need one and why will we wish the country evil by asking for a load shedding timetable,” he said.


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