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Charles Bissue's Judicial Review Application must be heard on Merit - Judge

The Human Rights Court presided over by Justice Nicholas Mensah Abodakpi has ruled that a judicial review application brought  by Mr. Charles Bissue must be heard on its merit. Mr. Bissue has alleged that the Office of the Special Prosecutor (OSP) has in its possession an arrest warrant from the Kaneshie District Court for his apprehension and is seeking an order from the Court to quash it. He is also seeking an order from the Court to order OSP from declaring him a wanted man. In response to this, state prosecutors presented a motion to have Mr. Bissue's action dismissed on the basis that it lacked merit and did not present a viable course of action. They argued that Mr. Bissue had failed to provide the alleged arrest warrant as evidence and that the OSP possessed the authority to declare any individual they could not locate as wanted. Source: Graphiconline


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