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Earth tremor hits parts of Accra

On Sunday, November 12, 2023, around 7: 20 am, Weija, Nyanyano, Adenta, Bortianor, and other parts of Accra Central experienced moderate form of earth tremor.

The tremor, which lasted for a few seconds, sent residents into a panic, with many running out of their homes around Gbawe, Mallam, SCC, and Bortianor.

However, there were no reports of any injuries or property damage and several people who experienced the earth tremor took to the social media platform X formerly Twitter to share their experience.

A user with the username Alfredo said “Who felt the tremor?”.

“An earth tremor just occurred in some parts of Accra. Were you affected?”, another user said.

On March 10, this year, parts of Accra also experienced a minor earth tremor, which the Ghana Geological Survey Authority (GGSA) put the magnitude at 2.8 on the Richter scale.

Similarly, on December 12, 2022, parts of Accra also experienced tremors which occurred three times in a space of about five hours.

The first was experienced around 6:53 am, also in the western part of Accra, the second around 10 am at the same places and the third occurred at 11:53 am, 10 km from Gbawe.

Meanwhile, the GGSA disclosed that the earth tremor felt in parts of Accra on Sunday, November 12, had a magnitude of 3.6 on the Richter scale.

The GGSA stated that the earth tremor was a minor incident which is not expected to cause damage.

“Epicentre of the tremor is about 7 kilometers off Weija (5.5318 N, 0.2933 W) in the Greater Accra Region, with origin time at 07:17:51am,” the GGSA stated

In a statement signed by the Acting Director General of the GGSA, Isaac Kuuwan Mwinbelle added that “these are natural occurrences and therefore difficult to predict. The Authority is committed to the continuous monitoring of these events and informing the public appropriately to ensure public safety and minimize risk.”

“Education and sensitization of the public on awareness and response during earth tremors is important and currently being undertaken by the Authority. The public is urged to remain calm and go about their normal activities, he added.

  • November 13, 2023
  •   in News


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