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Ghana National Fire Service Cautions Against Prank Calls on Emergency Lines

Ghana has several state agencies that provide emergency services to the public, including the Ghana Police Service, the Ghana National Fire Service, and the National Ambulance Service. Prank calls to these agencies’ emergency lines disrupt the delivery of critical services to those actually in need.

In an interview with RGGNEWS, the Public Relations Officer (P.R.O) of the Ghana National Fire Service, ACFO Timothy Osei Affum, explained the detrimental effects of prank calls on their operations. He noted that the emergency lines operate on a first-come, first-served basis, meaning that prank calls can delay genuine emergencies, allowing fires to escalate uncontrollably.

“Prank calls waste our resources,” said ACFO Affum. “We do not have an infinite amount of fuel, and prank calls lead to the early depletion of our limited fuel supplies.” He further explained that every fire station has only one fire tender, the vehicle used for firefighting. Prank calls contribute to unnecessary wear and tear on these vehicles, and the rush to respond can result in road accidents and injuries to fire service personnel.

Prank calls also cause financial loss to the state. Increased maintenance costs for fire tenders, healthcare expenses for injured personnel, and the provision of additional fuel all add up. These unnecessary expenditures strain the limited resources available for emergency services.

ACFO Affum urged the public not to abuse the emergency lines of state agencies to ensure the efficient provision of services to those in genuine need. “We must all work together to prevent prank calls and keep our emergency services effective,” he said.

The Ghana National Fire Service continues to advocate for the responsible use of emergency lines, emphasizing that cooperation from the public is essential for maintaining safety and efficiency in emergency response.


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