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Hassan Ayariga to ban all forex bureaus in the country to restore the value of the cedi

Presidential Candidate of the All People’s Congress (APC) Mr Hassan Ayariga has announced plans to ban the operations of forex bureaus in the country when elected President of Ghana. This, he says, will help the cedi to gain value against the US dollar. He was speaking to the media after his 2024 election campaign launch in Bawku in the Upper East Region.

The APC’s Mr Hassan Ayariga began his bid to the presidency from his hometown Bawku in the Upper East Region. He interacted with market women and small business owners while asking for their votes come 7th December. He believes businesses will thrive and living conditions will improve after he has tackled the cedi’s depreciation.

Hassan Ayariga is also proposing to ban the importation some of foodstuffs and rather encourage farmers to produce what we consume. He termed it as the economic lockdown.
Mr. Hassan Ayariga earlier met with the chiefs and people of the Kusaug Traditional area at the Zugrana’s Palace and asked them to vote massively for their kin to become the president of this country.


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