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I’ll block your convoy any time you use Dawhenya road - Sam George ‘threatens’ Akufo-Addo over poor roads

The Member of Parliament for Ningo-Prampram, Sam Nartey George, has served notice to President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo over the deplorable state of roads in his constituency, particularly the roads in Dawhenya.

He said that he would block the president's convoy any time he used that stretch of road for him [the President] to get a feel of the deplorable nature of the roads in the Ningo-Prampram constituency.

Expressing frustration with the lack of progress despite ongoing pleas for road improvements, Sam George explained that he and his people have called on the government for the past seven years, but all of their calls have proven futile.

"The people of Ningo-Prampram and the people of Afienya deserve good roads. What is the meaning of this? I think I need to organise my people. Let me serve notice, Mr. President, the next time you are going to Akosombo, I will block you in Afienya. Or the next time you are going to the Volta Region, I will block you in Dawhenya and make you walk on the roads to see.

"We also pay taxes; what is this? We begged for seven years; is it because it is Sam George?" he questioned.

Giving a description of the nature of the potholes, the MP noted that the President ensured that all the roads in his hometown had been

constructed but turned deaf ears to the other roads in the country.

"In Akufo-Addo's hometown, even the cemetery has asphalt. But look at the road to his wife's father's house. These are not potholes; even Akufo-Addo's bed and Cecilia Dapaah's bed can fit inside these holes with the $1 million under it," he indicated.

Additionally, Sam George highlighted the difficulties in getting the Road Minister and the Finance Minister to construct the roads.

"We have complained about this road, we have complained and even the minister of roads literally said he has given up.

Because we don't know whether the problem is the road minister, or if the one whole is always wearing white and quoting bible but killing all of us and refusing to release money.

"A contractor has been put on this road, Semen Ghana, for seven years and counting. I heard two weeks ago that they are coming to remove the covert. I am waiting for them, they should come again," he challenged.

Source: Ghanaweb


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