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Kenya floods: Nairobi homes demolished as Cyclone Hidaya approaches

Twisted scraps of metal, large splinters of wood and misplaced mattresses are all that remains of what were once people’s homes in Mukuru Wa Reuben slum in the Kenyan capital.
Across the wider Nairobi County, hundreds of people have also seen their homes knocked down.
The demolitions follow a government order for anyone living near rivers to leave their homes and move to higher ground in the wake of heavy rains and flooding, which have ravaged East Africa over numerous weeks.
Slums make up the majority of neighbourhoods built on marginal land along river valleys.
The government has said the demolitions were necessary in order to prevent further deaths. It also argued that living within 40 metres of the banks of a river is illegal.

Earlier, authorities gave people in earmarked areas 24 hours to evacuate – a deadline that expired on Friday evening.
However, many residents told the BBC they were caught by surprise and that their homes were demolished before the cut-off point.
Nicholas, a casual labourer, came home from work to find his house decimated.
Visibly still in shock, he said: “It’s so painful. They should have given us time to get money and figure out how to plan ourselves at the very least.
“But to give us short notice, and we are working, it is not fair at all.”

Like Nicholas, mother of two Phylis said she was trying to work out where to go and how to transport the belongings she had managed to salvage.
“I have children, they haven’t eaten anything. I’m a single mother… they’ve destroyed our way of living,” she says angrily.

Those who witnessed the demolitions told the BBC the army were responsible, while footage published by local media appear to show men in military fatigues overseeing the destruction. The army has not commented.
But government spokesperson Isaac Mwaura said: “These are the same people who are dying. These are people who are being affected by these floods.

“Sometimes when the water subsides then people go back to their buildings. So as a government we just have to be very clear and very categorical.”
Although parts of Mukuru Wa Reuben have been razed, and despite the flood warnings, residents like Nicholas said they will camp by their destroyed homes on Friday night as they have nowhere else to go.

Source BBC


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