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Mauritanian president wins re-election – provisional results

Mauritanian President Mohamed ould Ghazouani has been re-elected as head of state following Saturday’s national vote, provisional results show.

The electoral commission website shows he took over 56% of the vote, beating six opposition candidates.

In second position was anti-slavery activist Biram Dah Abeid with 22%, while Hamadi Sidi el-Mokhtar of the Islamist Tewassoul party came third with 13%.
Analysts had expected him to win the election in the first round.

The president, a former army chief, is credited with establishing stability since his first election five years ago, after decades of political unrest and frequent coups.

He has been allies with Western partners such as France and the US, but has also kept ties with junta-led neighbours including Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger, which have pivoted towards Russia in recent years.

Source BBC


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