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Senegal’s President Macky Sall postpones election amid political tension

Senegal’s President Macky Sall has postponed this month’s elections following complaints after dozens of candidates were barred from standing.
The two-term president, who reiterated that he would not be seeking re-election, did not set a new date.

Amid controversy, a constitutional council had prevented several hopefuls – including some high-profile politicians – from running.
Mr Sall said “these troubled conditions could gravely hurt” the ballot.

He added that he would start “an open national dialogue… to create the conditions for a free, transparent and inclusive election in a peaceful and reconciled Senegal”.

An opposition candidate called the president’s decision to postpone the election a constitutional coup.
Khalifa Sall, former mayor of the capital, Dakar, urged people to protest against the move and his political coalition has pledged to go to court.

An organisation of influential Islamic clerics had warned against postponing the vote, saying it risked destabilising the nation.
The move to delay the election is unprecedented in a country that is seen as one of the most stable democracies in the West African region.

In a statement, the Economic Community of West African States (Ecowas) expressed its concern over the situation.

It also urged “the competent authorities to expedite the various processes,” in order to set a new date for the elections.

Source: BBC NEWS


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