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NDC Condemns Bawumia’s vision

In response to Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia’s recent statements, the General Secretary of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) has stated that, the vice president of the current administration has a “vision deficit.”

The General Secretary, at a media briefing at the party’s headquarters underscored the importance of visionary leadership, citing former President John Mahama as an exemplary figure endowed with clarity of vision and foresight.

Mr. Fifi Kwetey says Mr Mahama’s visionary initiatives are along the lines of his predecessors, including Dr Kwame Nkrumah, Flt Lt Jerry John Rawlings and Professor Atta Mills.

Highlighting Mr Mahama’s accomplishments, the General Secretary praised the establishment of transformative infrastructure projects such as the Atuabo Gas Processing Plant and numerous health facilities, which played a crucial role during the COVID-19 pandemic. He also lauded Mr Mahama’s foresight in establishing stabilization and sinking funds, essential for economic resilience.


The General Secretary emphasized Mr Mahama’s investments in digital infrastructure, including rural fiberoptic networks and metro fiberoptic networks, which laid a foundation for government’s digitalization efforts criticising Dr. Bawumia for taking credit for digitalization initiatives without acknowledging Mr Mahama’s contributions.

“He must understand that digitalization is not just about buying foreign software and installing them on infrastructure built by the NDC.” he stated.

Furthermore, the General Secretary condemned Dr. Bawumia’s purported lack of vision in addressing critical issues such as importation levels, power generation capacity
and cocoa production.

He accused the current government of reckless borrowing and mismanagement, leading to economic challenges and a decline in cocoa production.

In conclusion, the General Secretary says Dr. Bawumia pales in comparison to Mr Mahama in terms of vision and leadership, stating that Dr Bawumia has a “massive vision deficit” and cannot be compared to Mr Mahama in any aspect.

  • February 15, 2024
  •   in News


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