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NDC responds to theft of BVR Kits

The Chairman of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Johnson Asiedu Nketia says the party is gravely concerned about the theft of Biometric Voter Registration (BVR) kits.

At a news conference on Thursday, May 9, he expressed the party’s suspicion that these stolen kits might be exploited for illegal registration purposes, potentially impacting the integrity of the voters’ register for the December 7, 2024 election.

However, he stated the NDC’s commitment to taking precautionary measures to prevent such actions.

The NDC’s apprehension stems from the Electoral Commission’s reluctance to comply with their request to record the serial numbers of the BVR kits.

Despite the EC’s assertion of the critical role of these serial numbers in ensuring the security and integrity of the registration process, Mr Asiedu Nketiah believes that the EC’s resistance fuels suspicion of ulterior motives.

Challenging the EC’s stance, Mr Asiedu Nketiah questioned why they oppose recording the serial numbers, particularly in light of reported thefts of BVR kits.

He insinuated that the EC’s resistance to transparency raises concerns about their involvement or complicity in the thefts, prompting accusations of concealing vital information.


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