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NPP Condemns Studio Protest at UTV, Issues Unreserved Appology

NPP Condemns Studio Protest at UTV, Issues Unreserved Appology

The New Patriotic Party(NPP) has condemned the actions of some party sympathizers who stormed the United Showbiz studio in Accra yesterday. 

The youth stormed the premises of the Television Station and advertently disrupted the live broadcast of the United Showbiz programme.

In a Twitter post by the Director of Communications of the NPP, Mr Richard Ahiagbah expressed the party leadership's disappointment in the actions of the youth as it flouts the tenets of press freedom.

Mr. Ahiagbah noted that “we wish to state that the party did not sanction the said act, and we unreservedly apologise to UTV, the programme team and the general public, he said.

He reiterated the NPP's commitment to protecting citizens' right to free speech as it is the cardinal value of “our tradition.”

"The right of citizens to free speech is one of the cardinal values of our tradition, and we are committed to its advancement. The proper way to express concerns over any programme by any media house would be to make a formal complaint. Advancing to interrupt the work of any media house is unacceptable, and we condemn it." Mr. Ahiagbah added.

He further stressed the need for all persons to use legal and other appropriate channels to register their grievances.

“The proper way to express concerns over any programme by any media house would be to make a formal complaint. Advancing to interrupt the work of any media house is unacceptable, and we condemn it,” he said.

Mr Ahiagbah added that the NPP will fully collaborate with the Ghana Police Service to investigate the matter expeditiously.


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