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NPP General Secretary Urges Reshuffle for Success in 2024 Election

The General Secretary of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Justin Frimpong Kodua, is calling for a revamp within the NPP government.

In his address at the party’s annual thanksgiving service, held at the party headquarters in Accra, the NPP General Secretary urged President Akufo-Addo to organise a reshuffle as soon as practicable to bring new faces on board.

He advised Ministers, CEOs, and MMDCEs of the party to resign if they tired to avoid drawing the party back.
“If you are a Minister, a CEO or an MMDCE and you have not been reshuffled and you think you are tired, resign, don’t sabotage the party.”

It was his request to the President, to make some changes in the party to give it a more firm base that will ensure success for the party during election 2024.
“It is time for some changes in the government so we get some new faces to continue. We believe that if we get new appointments, we will be able to retain power in the next election.”

  • December 22, 2023
  •   in News


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