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Poultry Value Chain in Ghana

At a forum in Accra, poultry farmers were introduced to the most recent agrictech solutions developed by Israeli companies. It is with the view to enhancing poultry production in Ghana and to offer insight into the specific advantages and potential impacts on poultry production in Ghana.

Poultry Production holds significant economic value in Ghana, constituting approximately of fourteen percent of the agricultural GDP. It also plays a critical role in fostering economic growth and Job creation, while serving as a primary source of income for numerous small-scale farmers and entrepreneurs. Ghana’s poultry production is owned by individuals or families, and despite its significance, the poultry sector faces numerous challenges including inadequate infrastructure, high production cost, limited access to quality feed, disease outbreak and competition from imported poultry product.

In a panel discussion to address ways of bettering the poultry sector in the country, resource persons were of the view that if best farm practices are observed by farmers, losses recorded will no longer exist. The president of women in poultry value chain Dr. Mrs. Victoria Norgbey urged Ghanaian poultry farmers to support each other to boost growth in the production and sustainability of poultry to ensure the commensurate profit.
A veterinary surgeon, Dr. Mrs. Helena Acquah says poultry farmers must put in place measures to prevent diseases from spreading through the farms through isolation, traffic control and sanitation.

The head of Israel’s economic trade missions to Ghana, Mr. Yanis Tessel says Israel is helping to scale up productivity in all areas of the poultry value chain in Ghana and help boost Ghana’s poultry industry.

The Ghana national egg campaigner Madam comfort Acheampong called on players in the sector to constantly meet to share ideas and help check pricing in the market. The forum hosted commercial poultry farmers, agribusiness players in the poultry sector, the ministry of food and agriculture and relevant stakeholders in the poultry value chain and Israeli poultry companies. The programme is sponsored by Israel’s economic and trade missions to Ghana.


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