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Social Media: Influencers Profiting from Platforms’ Financial Rewards

Social media platforms like Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, Snapchat and Facebook have transformed online communication and interaction, offering users worldwide a platform to share content, connect with others, and discover trends and products.

With billions of users, social media is now integral to daily life, impacting entertainment, news consumption, shopping habits, and brand loyalty.

Social media influencers, have capitalized on these platforms by cultivating dedicated followings in niches like fashion, beauty, fitness, and lifestyle.

Leveraging their loyal audiences, these influencers partner with brands to promote products and services through sponsored content, product collaborations and brand partnerships.

RGGNEWS had a sit-down with Kobina Amissah the manager of Deedew Online. “Social media is rewarding but is premised on the consistency of the user in the services that they provide” he said.

He mentions platform monetization with YouTube and Facebook as his preference and the ability to build a brand beyond social media for business purposes as benefits of social media.

Successful influencers with large followings and high engagement rates can command significant fees for sponsored content and partnerships, making social media a financially rewarding endeavour.


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