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Unveiling Ghana’s Western Historical sites

Along the Gulf of Guinea, Ghana’s Western Region unfolds as a captivating image, showcasing a blend of historical background and breathtaking natural wonders. As travelers embark on a journey through this region, they are greeted with echoes of the past and the vibrant exposure.

Nzulezu, a village suspended on stilts above the Amansuri River, offers a unique glimpse into the intersection of tradition and ingenuity. Constructed from wood and raffia, with a central walkway flanked by houses, reaching Nzulezu involves a 5km journey on the river in a local canoe. The village’s striking wooden accommodations, hovering five feet above the lake level, create an awe-inspiring spectacle for visitors seeking an immersive cultural experience.

Situated in Dixcove, Fort Metal Cross serves as a silent witness to the region’s past. Originally built by the Portuguese in the 17th century, it evolved into a crucial trading post for gold and ivory before becoming entangled in the dark history of the slave trade. The fort’s weathered stones and cannons provide links to a time when trade routes and power dynamics shaped the destiny of the Western Region. Today, Fort Metal Cross stands as evidence to the resilience of history, with its dungeons preserving the haunting memories of the trans-Atlantic slave trade.

At the southernmost tip of Ghana’s western region, Cape Three Points emerges as a geographical marvel where land, sky, and sea converge. Crowned by a scenic lighthouse, this natural landmark offers breathtaking views of the Atlantic Ocean meeting the Gulf of Guinea. As waves crash against the rocks, visitors are reminded of the raw power and unparalleled beauty of nature in this remote and scenic corner of the Western Region.

Located on a palm-covered tropical hillside with panoramic views of deserted beaches, Axim Beach Resort invites travelers to unwind in luxury. Boasting rooms, suites, apartments, residences, and more, this resort is a fusion of comfort and natural beauty. With an integrated water park, spa, and gym, Axim Beach Resort provides a serene backdrop for various occasions, combining relaxation and recreation.

Known as Fort Saint Anthony in Ghana, Forte de Santo António is a historical gem built by the Portuguese in 1515. Captured by the Dutch in 1642, it became part of the Dutch Gold Coast before transitioning to British rule in 1872. Now property of the Ghanaian state and open to the public, this fort stands as a tangible reminder of the region’s colonial past, offering visitors an opportunity to explore its expansive grounds and absorb the echoes of centuries gone by.

Exploring Ghana’s Western Region unveils a captivating cultural heritage, natural views, and historical significance. From the floating village of Nzulezu to the resilient walls of Fort Metal Cross, this region signifies the diverse and layered history that has shaped its identity.


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