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We’ll scrutinise 2024 budget with eagle eyes – Minority Leader sends warning on House resumption

The Minority Leader, Dr Cassiel Ato Baah Forson, has served notice the 2024 budget statement to be delivered by the Finance Minister next month will receive intense scrutiny from his side.

He, therefore, disclosed that the Minority Caucus is “poised to be back” from recess because it is a ‘budget Meeting’.

Dr Forson made this known while giving his remarks on Tuesday, October 31 when Members of Parliament (MPs) returned from a three-month break.

“Mr Speaker, we in the Minority Caucus are excited to be back in this august house,” the Ajumako-Enya-Essiam MP indicated.

But further speaking, the former Deputy Finance Minister warned that the caucus will resist the budget statement if it does not serve the interest of the ordinary Ghanaian.

“The prevailing economic conditions has already made it very difficult for the ordinary Ghanaian and businesses and therefore we can’t be a party to any policy or measure which make things even more unbearable for the already suffering Ghanaian and businesses.

“Mr Speaker, let me be blunt; the upcoming budget statement will encounter resistance if it does not prioritize the needs of people and businesses. That is our bottom-line.

“So, if the government knows that its upcoming budget does not prioritise the needs of the people, then they should get ready for a SHOWDOWN!”

He pointed out that the position taken by the Minority is not to frustrate government.

“Mr Speaker, the position taken by the Minority Caucus is not intended to frustrate the government; far from that.

“We have taken the position to be on the side of the people of Ghana as we have always done in the life of this Parliament, and Parliaments before this one.”

Mr Ato Baah Forson earlier this month led a demonstration to demand the removal of the Governor of the Bank of Ghana, Dr Ernest Kwamina Addison, and his two deputies.

He served notice on the day of presenting a petition to the Governor, albeit meeting his absence, that the demonstration will continue.

He insinuated that the caucus is doing all that for the people of Ghana and assured that members will not relent.

“As a Minority Caucus, we have not forgotten the cry of the people of Ghana; we have held the government accountable and exposed its sins and want to assure the people of Ghana that we will continue to do so.”

He also touched on the recent devastating floods in some parts of the Volta Region as a result of the supposed controlled spillage of the Akosombo Dam.

“Mr Speaker, as a Minority Caucus, our hearts bleed for all the victims of this man-made disaster which has rendered several thousands of people homeless and swept away farms and destroyed livelihoods of many people in parts of the Volta Regions, Oti Region, Eastern Region, Greater Accra, Bono East, Savanna, and Northern Region.

“The affected communities and regions have yet to recover from the aftermath of this disaster.

“The conduct of both the government and the Volta River Authority in terms of leading a coordinated emergency response and disaster relief efforts, leaves much to be desired.”

He, therefore, served notice that a motion will be filed in the House to demand a parliamentary inquiry into the circumstances that led to the disaster.

Source: 3newsroom


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