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Adenta-demolition of structures

Structures along the Adenta-Dodowa road are being demolished to accommodate the construction of the 22-kilometre dual carriageway with service lanes, interchanges and overpasses. Frustration, fatigue and spending precious hours in traffic is always to be expected on the Adenta-Dodowa road.

As a result, some of the drivers – both private and commercial drive carelessly on the shoulder of the road and put the lives of pedestrians in danger. In response to this, the government says the corridor was captured in the Master Project Support Agreement with Sinohydro for work to get underway in 2021 but things did not go as planned.

However, in December 2023, the Ministry of Roads and Highways said the highly anticipated construction of the Adentan-Dodowa Road will start in the first quarter of 2024. Notices were served on persons whose properties fell along the project line, but some paid no heed to the local contractor, Oswal Investment. And on Thursday, February 8, 2024 they found their containers and kiosks being demolished.

The ministry of roads and highways appealed to motorists and pedestrians to exercise caution and adhere to all traffic regulations for their safety and that of the construction workers.

The 22km Adenta-Dodowa roads will be reconstructed into a two-lane dual carriageway with service lanes, interchanges and overpasses and expected to be completed within three years. For road users in this part of town, completion of the project, will bring relief to commuters.


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