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Akua Donkor Strategy

As the Ghanaian Political climate heats up ahead of election 2024 in December, the actors in the space are leaving no stone unturned in their quest for political power.

One of the faces on the political scene in recent history is the founder of the Ghana Freedom Party, GFP, Madam Akua Donkor. In a chance meeting with her in

Accra, she told RGG News she is readying to once again stake her claim at the presidency. So here, we have a reminder of who Akua Donkor is.

She is the Founder and leader of the Ghana Freedom Party (GFP), and was born in February 1952. She is a politician and professional cocoa farmer. In 2020 her running mate was Ernest Adakabre Frimpong Manso.

Her opponents were more than a dozen and included current President Nana Akufo-Addo, former President John Mahama of the NDC, and 9 others. Our news team caught up with her in Accra while she was gathering her campaign materials.

Akua Donkor is not a happy woman. She says Ghana is far behind in many things. For her, Ghana needs a free port, and clean water. A raft of measures she plans to implement will include refining petrol in Ghana, and granting soft loans to farmers so they can expand.

And Akua Donkor says every farmer who attains age 40 will be put on government payroll, and this offer is because of the indispensable role of farmers in the production of food upon which the survival of man depends.

She wants the use of local languages to be allowed in schools and parliament.

Akua Donkor is also blaming the media for being silent on many things that are not going well in the country. She believes the 2024 elections will not be easy but she will surely make a big impact.


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