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CDS Africa Organizes Program to Empower Children and Families with special needs

Africa Center for Democracy and Socio-Economic Development,(CDS Africa) as part of its corporate social responsibility, on Wednesday assembled people living with disability, specifically, Autism.

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex developmental condition that affects a person’s ability to communicate and interact with others. It is a spectrum disorder, which means that it can range from mild to severe.

ASD is caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. It is not caused by vaccines or bad parenting.

There is no cure for ASD, but there are a variety of treatments that can help to improve symptoms and enhance quality of life.

The program, which was held in Accra, had in attendance some children with ASD and their parents or guardians.

Speaking to some wards present, they believe children with ASD require more attention like all other children, hence the need to have more discussion to help these children with special needs.

Adding that, there should be a conscious effort by government and other stakeholders to help shape the lives of these children through hands on skills.

ASD is a complex condition, but with the right support, people with ASD can live happy and fulfilling lives.

ASD is a journey, not a destination. It is a journey of understanding, acceptance, and love.


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