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John Dramani Mahama is the man with the experience required to fix the country- NDC

The National Democratic Congress has stated that John Dramani Mahama is an experienced and visionary leader, trusted to reduce the socioeconomic hardships in Ghana.
“We need a man with vision and experience to fix the mess. John Dramani Mahama is that man to take Ghana to the next level,” the party asserted.

According to the General Secretary of the Party, Fiifi Kwetey, the NPP has caused enough harm to the people of Ghana through financial haircuts, and unprecedented unemployment, among many others and thus, there is no room for trial and error, given the depth of Ghana’s struggles. He was speaking at a media briefing at the party’s headquarters on Wednesday, 14th February 2024.

He criticized the NPP’s handling of the economy, contrasting it with Mr Mahama’s achievements, such as maintaining single-digit inflation and achieving significant GDP growth during his tenure.

Also, he pointed out Mr Mahama’s management of the economy, which provided full funding for the government’s budget without resorting to external borrowing.

In contrast, he accused the NPP of economic mismanagement, leading to bloating national debt and a depreciation of the Cedi.

  • February 15, 2024
  •   in News


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