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Chief Imam against LGBTQI+ – Spokesperson

Spokesperson for the National Chief Imam, Sheikh Aremeyaw Shaibu says the Chief Imam, Sheikh Osman Nuhu Sharubutu, does not support any activity that seeks to promote LGBTQI+.

He said the Chief Imam’s point of view hinges on the foundation of Islamic teachings.

“The position of the Chief Imam is so clear on this matter and it is built on the foundation of Islamic teachings. As a Muslim Leader there is no way he is going to support the practice of LGBTQI+”, he said.


Speaking to RGG News’ Teye Kitcher on Insight, Sheikh Aremeyaw Shaibu said the Chief Imam only supports efforts that seek to ensure the complete blacking out of LGBTQI+ activities from the moral space, traditions and cultural settings of the country.

“Any effort to ensure that LGBTQI+ is eradicated or completely removed from our moral space and traditions is something that the Chief Imam will embark upon”, he assured.

He added that the Chief Imam holds the view that LGBTQI+ as a sexual practice is a threat to the very survival of the family unit of every society.

  • February 19, 2024
  •   in News


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