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Chief Justice and other Supreme Court Justices plant trees at the Supreme Court on Green Ghana Day

The Chief Justice, Justice Gertrude Torkornoo, says, the current generation of Ghanaians, owe it a duty to bring an end, to the loss of forest cover, rivers and the greenery of the country, to protect Ghana’s natural environment, from the harsh effects of climate change. The CJ, said this when, she and some justices of the Supreme Court and Court Appeal, planted over two hundred tree seedlings in and around the premises of the Supreme Court, to observe this year’s Green Ghana Day.

The annual Green Ghana Day, on June 7, launched in 2021 , by President Akufo-Addo, is the nation’s contribution towards the global fight against climate change.

Marking the day, the Chief Justice, and some justices of the superior court and some members of the Judicial Service, planted tree seedling varieties on the premises of the Supreme Court. Justice Gertrude Torkornoo, spoke about the need to plant more trees, to sustain the country’s ecological system.

To date, the project has successfully planted over 42 million tree seedlings. The 2024, exercise has the theme ‘Growing for a Greener Tomorrow’.


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