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Don’t Turn NSPs into Messengers, Errand boys and girls —Bagbin

The Speaker of Parliament, Alban Sumana Kingsford Bagbin, has advised heads of public and private institutions against the use of  National Service Personnel (NSP) as errand boys and girls in their various institutions.

Mr. Bagbin emphasized that the national service period is a crucial year for the development of NSPs, and it should not be squandered on menial tasks that do not contribute to their personal growth.

"I plead with my brothers and sisters, who are leaders in the various public institutions, private sector organisations not to turn the service personnel into messengers, errand boys and girls. It is a very critical year for their development, do not waste it," he explained.

 He made these remarks during his speech at the launch of the Golden Jubilee anniversary of the National Service Scheme (NSS) in Accra on a Tuesday on the theme “National Service at 50: Repositioning the Scheme for a Sustainable National Development".

Mr. Bagbin emphasized that the service period was intended to mold the personnel for the professional world and expressed his concern over the mistreatment of some of these workers, noting that many of them did not even have proper seating arrangements in their offices.

Mr. Bagbin pointed out that the challenges facing the country demanded sustainable solutions and suggested that the NSS could serve as a platform for nurturing the next generation of leaders, individuals capable of addressing problems, and catalysts for positive change.

Mr. Bagbin underscored the importance of developing the youth and molding them into citizens who are eager to serve the country and prioritize its well-being, hence, the need to invest in the functioning and operations of the NSS.

The Executive Director of the NSS, Mr. Osei Assibey Antwi, highlighted that the Scheme had successfully deployed additional personnel to provide assistance in the health sector, education sector, and civil service.

He further mentioned that in the current year, approximately 65,000 personnel were assigned to classrooms.

In the agricultural sector, Mr. Assibey Antwi noted that, with the backing of President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, the NSS had secured 20,000 acres of land for various projects.


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