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ECG to install new distribution transformers

The Electricity Company of Ghana Limited (ECG) is announcing the installation of distribution transformers in ECG operational areas.

This is in response to the identification of six hundred and thirty (630) distribution transformers within various communities, operating at full capacity due to an increase in demand for electricity.

The high load on these transformers has raised concerns about potential outages, particularly during the peak load period from 7 pm to 11 pm in the affected areas.

This strain causes fuses to blow and conductors to break.

In a statement dated, March 11, 2024, ECG stated that the initiative is to enhance the reliability of power supply to the affected communities.

ECG acknowledges the inconvenience caused to affected customers and is grateful for their support and patience as the company strives to improve on the efficiency of the power distribution system.

Below is the full statement


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