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Human Errors, the main cause of Fire Outbreaks- GNFS PRO


The Director of Public Relation for the Ghana National Fire Service ACFO 1 Timothy Osafo Affum has declared that certain actions of human beings cause the Increase in fire outbreak in Ghana.

During an interview with RGGNEWS he mentioned that studies have shown that, often times fire outbreak becomes excessive due to the reckless use of naked light such as charcoal fire, candles, etc.

“Because we are not very careful about handling these fires, they get out of hand and causes damage to us,” he said.

According to him, fire outbreaks has increased from 500 in December 2023 to 700 in January 2024 which is about 25% increase.

However, Mr. Affum highlighted that there are some strategies being implemented to curb the incidents of fire outbreaks in Ghana.

“We have intensified our education so we are expecting that the rate will come down,” the officer stated. He also revealed that, community leaders are being used as channels to educate Ghanaians in their various communities since getting the attention of people is a challenge.

“Every community have their leaders so, we are falling on these community leaders to help us disseminate the information,” he added.

He shared a word of advice with Ghanaians saying, “around this particular point in time, the weather condition is very favorable for fire incidents and so we should be extra careful in our dealings, once this is done, we will be able to reduce the incidents of fire outbreak that can be prevented, If we put in all the necessary measures and still the fire outbreaks occur, we should not hesitate but get in touch with the fire service, we shouldn’t try our hands to fight the fire, if it fails before we try to get the fire service.”

In concluding, he said, “In order to get to us, you have to dial our emergency numbers 192 or 112 but because people have also been using the lines for what is not advisable, we also advice that you get this our main line so that if you are not able get us through the emergency line, you can call us on 0302772446.”


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