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Know Your Sickle Cell Status: Empowering Health Choices for a Better Life

Everyday living as human beings has a lot to do with good health; healthy living is a happy living. Knowing and giving priority to your health is of great necessity that informs our decisions in life.

Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a hereditary blood disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. Knowing your sickle cell status is not just a medical necessity; it plays a vital role in socialization, marriage, and childbirth. Understanding one’s genetic makeup can lead to informed decisions and healthier futures, individually and collectively.

Dr. Michael Biney, a Medical Practitioner, speaking to RGGNEWS stated the importance of genetic testing for sickle cell. “Sickle cell disease is a significant health issue, particularly in regions where the gene is prevalent. Knowing your status is crucial because it affects your health management, the health of your potential children, and your overall quality of life,” he explains.

He said, “sickle cell simply put, the blood cells are often in a rounded shape lack of proper circulation in the body that lead to cells dying and affecting organs to the large extent.”

He pointed out that sickle cell disease can lead to severe pain, infections, and complications such as stroke and organ or tissue damage. “Early detection and regular monitoring can significantly improve the quality of life for those with the disease. Additionally, understanding your carrier status can help you make informed decisions about marriage and having children.”

Esther, a 32-year-old mother of two, shares her journey with sickle cell disease. “I found out I had sickle cell anemia when I was seven years old. It was a challenging time for my family, but we learned to manage it together,” she recalls. I understood that I had the sickle cell trait, which made me conform to the rules and prevented me from stressing and undertaking activities that would put me at risk.

She says, “When I met my husband, we both got tested for sickle cell. It was important for us to know our statuses before starting a family,” she says. “Luckily, my husband is not a carrier, so our children have a reduced risk of inheriting the disease. It gave us peace of mind and helped us plan for the future.”

Dr. Michael Biney advised couples to seek genetic counseling or find out their status before starting a family. “Genetic counseling provides comprehensive information about the risks of passing sickle cell disease to offspring. It helps couples understand their options, including prenatal testing and other reproductive choices.”

“Informed decisions are empowering. They allow individuals and couples to take control of their reproductive health and plan for healthier futures,” he added.

Raising awareness about sickle cell disease and the importance of knowing one’s status is crucial in reducing stigma and improving health outcomes. Community education programs, support groups, and public health initiatives play a significant role in this effort.

Understanding your sickle cell status is not only a matter of personal health but also a crucial factor in socialization, marriage, and childbirth. Through informed decision-making and community support, individuals and families can navigate the challenges of sickle cell disease more effectively.


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