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Members of Parliament need to be seen Upholding Parliamentary Dignity in Public Discourse

In recent times, the Ghanaian political landscape has witnessed a concerning trend in public commentary from some Members of Parliament, undermining the dignity and decorum expected from elected officials. It is with deep consternation that we address the recent unparliamentary comments made by Member of Parliament for Ningo Prampram, Sam Nartey George. Public officials, especially those entrusted with legislative responsibilities, hold a unique position in society. They are expected to be the embodiment of decorum, respect, and statesmanship. Unfortunately, Mr. Sam Nartey George's recent remarks, referring to the Vice President and flagbearer of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Alhaji Mahamudu Bawumia, as a "religious prostitute," have fallen far short of these expectations. Such language is not only disrespectful to the high office of the Vice President but also sets a disheartening precedent for political discourse in our nation. As custodians of the people's trust, MPs should be at the forefront of fostering unity, promoting tolerance, and ensuring peaceful coexistence among Ghanaians. The choice of words by Mr. George is not only unparliamentary but also threatens the long-standing religious harmony Ghana has enjoyed. It is crucial to recognize that Ghana, despite being a multi-religious society, has thrived as an example of religious tolerance. Leaders such as Vice President Bawumia and others have played pivotal roles in maintaining this harmony, and it is disheartening to witness such inflammatory comments from a sitting MP. We condemn, in the strongest terms, this breach of decorum and call on Mr. Sam Nartey George to reflect on the weight of his words. The use of derogatory language not only undermines the sanctity of the parliamentary chamber but also erodes public trust in the democratic institutions that form the backbone of our nation. Moreover, it is imperative for the leadership of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) to distance itself from such comments and reiterate its commitment to a politics of respect and tolerance. A failure to do so sends the wrong signal, suggesting a tolerance for inflammatory rhetoric within the party. Ghana has faced and continues to grapple with economic challenges and external uncertainties, making the need for responsible leadership all the more critical. Irresponsible commentary only serves to distract from the substantive issues affecting the lives of ordinary Ghanaians. We call on Ghanaians, the international community, and all well-meaning citizens to disregard Mr. Sam Nartey George's comments and treat them as an isolated incident that does not reflect the general mindset of the Ghanaian populace. Ghanaians have consistently demonstrated their commitment to peaceful coexistence, and we should not let the actions of a few tarnish the collective image of our nation. It is important that Members of Parliament and political leaders recognize the weight of their words and exercise prudence in their public commentary. It is incumbent upon them to set an example of honorable conduct and to foster an environment of respect and unity. Our democracy deserves leaders who elevate public discourse rather than diminish it. It is also important that we as Ghanaians, collectively work towards a political landscape where public commentary reflects the values of our nation and contributes positively to our national image.


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