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Francis-Xavier Sosu

My outburst was out of character – Madina MP

Member of Parliament for Madina Constituency, Francis-Xavier Sosu has rendered an unqualified apology following his outburst during the #OccupyBoG demonstration.

He explained that the unsavory comment used was to express his frustration about the ‘rotten system’.

“My outburst was not in good taste; it was out of character and I apologise,” he said in an interview on Adom FM’s morning show, Dwaso Nsem.

During the demonstration, the Madina MP used vulgar invectives to express his disgust at the Akufo-Addo-led administration’s handling of the economy.

A peeved Sosu who spoke in Ga threw caution to the wind and descended into the gutters.

His conduct went viral with the majority of Ghanaians chastising him. Others also argued that Sosu’s conduct took the shine off the demonstration.

But the Madina MP said though his conduct was out of line, it certainly did not take the attention from the protest.

“I was surprised how it even trended but I completely disagree that it took the shine off the demonstration,” he stated.

Mr. Sosu conceded that his outburst and use of vulgar words were not the best way to vent his spleen against the government.

Source: myjoyonline


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