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NSS personnel to be Deployed internationally.

The government, through the National Service Secretariat (NSS), is set to implement a new policy aimed at deploying National Service personnel beyond the borders of Ghana.

The President, Nana Akufo-Addo introduced the groundbreaking 2024–2034 policy named “Innovative Deployment: Developing Prospects for the Future” at the event launch in Accra.

This policy marks a significant shift in the NSS’s approach, emphasizing the transformation of the institution into a globally competitive entity.

President Akufo-Addo emphasized that the NSS will not only recruit and assign graduates but will also provide them with the necessary skills for success in their chosen fields.

Ambrose Entsiwah Junior, Director of Corporate Affairs at the NSS, revealed in an interview with RGGNEWS that the policy comprises three key strategies that include standardization, customization and globalization.

“The first strategy has to do with aligning NSS operations with established procedures and processes in the public sector to ensure consistency and efficiency. The second strategy is that the NSS will tailor its programs to align with national priorities, ensuring that deployments contribute effectively to Ghana’s development objectives. And the third strategy is that the NSS will now deploy personnel to international institutions, facilitating exposure to diverse perspectives and fostering the exchange of ideas on a global scale,” he said.


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