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Redefining Motherhood

With that special day – Mother’s Day, on the horizon, the spotlight once again shines on the quintessential figure of a mother.

However, beyond the traditional notions of biological maternity lies a profound and multifaceted definition of motherhood that transcends genetics and encompasses a spectrum of nurturing, care, and love.

In everyday life, countless individuals embody the essence of motherhood in diverse ways. From biological mothers who carry life within them and nurture it with tender care, to adoptive mothers who open their hearts and homes to children in need, to mentors, teachers, and caregivers who offer guidance and support, the true definition of a mother knows no boundaries.

Maya Angelou eloquently stated, “I sustain myself with the love of family,” emphasizing that in the life of a child, however, motherhood finds its foundation in nurturing this bond.

In an interview with RGGNEWS, some individuals shared their thoughts on the true definition of a mother.

Sarah Aidoo, a mother of five said, “For me, being a mother is about the miraculous journey of bringing life into this world and nurturing it with unconditional love. From the moment I felt my child’s first kick in my womb to the sleepless nights and countless diaper changes, every sacrifice feels insignificant compared to the joy of seeing my child grow and thrive. Motherhood is a bond that transcends words, a lifelong commitment to guiding, protecting, and cherishing the precious gift of life.”

Alex Korsah, an Adoptive Parent, said the definition of motherhood goes beyond biology and legal paperwork. It’s about the profound choice to open your heart and home to a child in need, to provide love, stability, and belonging.
For him, motherhood is the journey of building a family through compassion and resilience, navigating the complexities of adoption with patience and understanding.
“It’s about embracing a child as your own, not because of blood ties, but because of the boundless capacity to love and nurture another human being,” Alex added.

However, Mabel Tetteh, a Mentor, and Guardian, stated “I’ve come to understand that motherhood is not confined to one’s own offspring. It’s about the nurturing and support we offer to young minds, shaping their futures and empowering them to reach their fullest potential. Motherhood is the selfless act of guiding, teaching, and instilling values of kindness, resilience, and empathy in the next generation. Whether it’s through a listening ear, a comforting hug, or words of encouragement, the essence of motherhood lies in the profound impact we have on the lives of those we nurture and cherish.”

Ahead of the Mothers Day celebration on 12th May 2024, given the diverse perspectives on who a mother is by Sarah, Alex and Mabel who would you a call a mother?


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