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Challenge Stereotyping Amongst Women – Esther Cobbah

When she mounted the podium at the Ark Foundation’s silver jubilee public forum, Madam Esther Cobbah the CEO of STRATTCOMM Africa dwelt on the importance of examining societal perceptions and challenging stereotypes that portray women as envious rivals.

She encouraged women to leverage competition as an opportunity for growth and learning, cautioning against adopting negative behaviours that reinforce harmful stereotypes.

“It is always believed that women are envious of each other in society,” and Madam Cobbah acknowledged the existence of this damaging stereotype.

However, she stressed the need for women to break free from this narrative by welcoming competition as a means of self-improvement rather than a source of enmity.

Highlighting the transformative power of constructive competition, Madam Cobbah urged women to glean valuable lessons from their peers without resorting to imitation or rivalry.

She emphasized the importance of nurturing supportive relationships among women and reframing competition as a catalyst for personal and collective advancement.

As women navigate the complexities of societal expectations, the imperative is to dismantle stereotypes and embrace collaboration a rallying cry for progress and unity.


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